Sunday, April 4, 2010

Is Solar Energy THE CURE for Ghana AND Africa?

Welcome to FEELING The SUN - Visions of a Bright Future

Solar Power alone cannot bring health and prosperity to Africa, but the myriad of localized development opportunities available among a broad spectrum of clean energy technologies indicates a bright future indeed. Photovoltaic solar, windpower, biomass / biogas / biofuels, ethanol, biodiesel, small-scale hydro, plus natural gas as a transitional fuel, supply a wide range of off-oil and clean electricity generation opportunities. I believe Canada can help Ghana develop alternative energy technology via joint ventures and assist in creating a range of renewable energy firms that can then export green systems and tech to Africa and the world, benefiting both nations and the global biosphere.

In the spirit of this vision, I intend to re-visit this first post several times in the coming weeks and months, expanding the list of links to include major Ghana and Canada business websites, with a particular emphasis on organizations developing and/or utilizing green power.

Feel free to post comments or enquiries!

Ghana Info Business Culture Sports Links:

Green Energy Stocks Investing links: